Week 2 Part A


With the use of social media, information has the ability to spread far and wide. Social media platforms are free open sources where information can be read instantaneously  after a person shares their thoughts of a company. As long as an owner in being diligent and aware of what is being said, problems can quickly be identified, and hopefully resolved in a timely manner. People are social animals. We are far more likely to support a product or business that we see our friends and trusted acquaintances speak positively of.

In the past, communications through business were nothing like they are today. Around 20 or so years ago (when Yelp became popular), businesses relied on TV ads, billboards, radio, newspapers, magazines, and good old fashioned word of mouth to get the word out regarding businesses, products, or services. In regards to feedback to businesses as a whole, physical written reviews and word of mouth were the most effective ways of communication. If the feelings are negative, a slow spread can be beneficial, however on the other hand, once the problem is resolved, the slow spread of communication can be negative for the business owner as well.

I found that the butcher shops that I researched all had close to 5 star reviews. The reviews that I found most helpful were the ones that had photographs of the business and the products they offer. Additionally, I found that negative reviews often were responded to by the business owner with an apology, and a way to contact them directly to rectify the negative circumstances of a customer’s experience. Seeing this was really in line with what I read in chapter 1 regarding business owners truly hearing their customers. Some reviews had very rude customers who did not receive apologies from the owner which I feel adds validity to the businesses integrity, as opposed to apologizing to every bad review given.

Seldom do I give a bad review, unless the product received or service given was just completely unacceptable. Having worked in retail and food service for most of my life, perhaps I can be a little more understanding that a person who has not had that experience. That being said, for me to take the time to give a positive review, there definitely needs to be something that really stood out and pleased me, however, I am FAR more likely to leave a positive review, than I would to leave a negative one. Instead of going out of my way to intentionally spread negativity, I just simply wouldn’t go back or buy it again.

Personally, I would do my best to message back each customer that I thought was appropriate to respond to. I would give thanks and appreciation to the people that enjoyed my service and products, and if applicable offer rewards or perks for the people that speak highly of my business. For the not so positive reviews, I would evaluate each unique situation, communicate with my staff, and respond accordingly, whether that be to issue an apology and rectify the situation, or protect my staff and business from possible Trolls and publicly share our side of the story with the world.




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